Everyday Life as Movement Practice

Or: How training parkour has helped me manage being crippled Our entire existence is movement, in one form or another. Yet most of it is unconscious, without attention, just happening as our routine patterns. But how about if we treated the everyday as a movement practice? Recording: I recorded this post so that if you […]

My Current Experience with Long Covid, 8 months in

Content note: talks about death, disability, chronic illness, exercise and fitness I thought I would write a blog post about my experience with Long Covid, which is still debilitating and significantly affecting my life 8 months after infection. I *think* I am still gradually and slowly improving, though it may also have reached a plateau […]

‘Might is Right’ and Capitalist Market Exchange

‘Might is Right’ is the description of power as fact, and that power as fact triumphs over justice and what might actually be Right. It’s the brutal reality of power, and sometimes also the normative justifications that attempt to legitimise and perpetuate such a situation. An easy example is the school bully who beats up […]

Might Johnson be replaced – and what might this mean for the left?

In recent political events, we’ve seen demands for the removal of the Prime Minister’s top advisor and chief of staff, Dominic Cummings, as well as open speculation that Matt Hancock could be made to be the fall guy for the Government’s failings in dealing with coronavirus. But there’s another possibility: that Boris Johnson himself gets […]