Narrow and Broad Politics
19th October 2015

Summary: there is more to politics than Westminster.

NB I don’t think I’m the only person to think this. But it is not something understood so I will be another. One similar thing I have heard in common speak is “political with a small p”.

‘Politics’ in the Narrow and Broad Senses

Words have many flavours of meanings, and the distinction I will discuss here is between politics in the narrow sense and politics in the broad sense.

About Human Rights
7th October 2014

David Cameron to ‘scrap’ Human Rights Act for new ‘British Bill of Rights’” – newspaper headline.

The Conservative Party (“Tories”) said at their recent party conference that one of their election pledges is that they will introduce a “British Bill of Rights” instead of the European one. In this article I’m going to try and explain the current situation (we as, as per usual, insufficiently educated on this, woefully misinformed, and misled by politicians and some media sources – not necessarily intentionally as such, but part of media and human nature in the current day is that we want sensation and quick information, not to actually read and focus and learn).


Maria Miller Facts: Maria Miller has now resigned, following an allegation of dodgy expenses from a Labour MP. She was initially told to repay £45,000 by the independent Parliamentary Commissioner, but this was later changed to £5,000 by the a committee of MPs which has ultimate responsibility. As well as the excessive claim, she was […]

The Hypocrisy of America
13th December 2013

Recently, some protesters in Ukraine have been on the streets in a show of force in favour of greater political alignment with Europe, instead of Russia. Their government is currently torn between the two: geographically situated between Europe and Russia, they have a choice between the two for trade agreements and international funding (such as […]