
A Tension in Modern Life
6th February 2014

Humans as a species have been around for quite some time. Now sure, in the grand scheme of the universe it’s barely noticeable, but compared to how long our individual lives are, it’s a pretty long time. A quick glance at wikipedia suggests between fifty and a hundred thousand years ago (and former humanoid things […]

Life Philosophy
Facing a Fear
22nd January 2014

This post is my attempt to explain one of my parkour experiences with words, to try and convey what goes on inside my head when I did a particular jump. Standing two metres high on top of a wall, I glance down to the ground below me, and then rub my hands on my thighs […]

Life Philosophy

The second of my new years thoughts and posts, this one about my resolution, albeit in a slightly detailed and roundabout way. The previous post had the conclusion of “we should make the most of our life”, and this post deals with a particular way I do that. It’s that time of year when people […]

Life Philosophy

This post isn’t about New Year’s Resolutions, or even particularly New Year itself but as it’s that time of year and fits with the theme, I’m making a connection. The point of this post is to talk about living: not the passive, heart ticking and breathing sort of living, but the active alive sort of […]

The Hypocrisy of America
13th December 2013

Recently, some protesters in Ukraine have been on the streets in a show of force in favour of greater political alignment with Europe, instead of Russia. Their government is currently torn between the two: geographically situated between Europe and Russia, they have a choice between the two for trade agreements and international funding (such as […]

Thoughts on Current Affairs

In which I put some thoughts down about things I’ve seen in the news recently. News is often about spin and spectacle and superficiality and lacking in substance, hopefully this is slightly better.     Tom Daley ‘out’ Video   Tom Daley has made a youtube video in which he announces he’s in a relationship […]


In which I talk about why I am glad I am not a woman. To start with, there’s a few little reasons why I think being male is better. Going to the toilet is more convenient; having to make less effort in my appearance is easier (though I should definitely make more anyway); and not […]


I decided to call these ‘fritters’ instead of ‘pancakes’ (which they could also be) because otherwise you can make them expecting something like crepes. The first few times I cooked this I was disappointed that they didn’t taste like crepes, but then when I started to appreciate them for what they are they became delicious! […]

Ich bin Sitzpinkler
7th November 2013

Part of the inspiration for this post came from seeing an advert for a German house-share which said that men are welcome so long as they are tidy and are Sitzpinkler. As I’ve mentioned before (link to Intl Diff post), German has compound nouns. One such word is Sitzpinkler – meaning “someone who pees sitting […]